2014 General Assembly
Our Company’s 2014 Shareholders General Assembly Meeting will be held to discuss the agenda below on 20 March 2015, Friday, at 15:30 at SADIKA ANA SALONU, at the address of SABANCI CENTER, 4.LEVENT 34330 İSTANBUL TURKEY.
Our shareholders, whose shares are monitored by the Central Registry Agency in dematerialized form and who have the right to participate the general assembly meeting, may attend the meeting at the above mentioned address in person or through representatives OR they may prefer to attend the meeting electronically in person or through representatives by using their secure electronic signature through the Electronics General Assembly System provided by the Central Registry Agency.
Shareholders can authorize their representatives by using Electronics General Assembly System or filling the below proxy form or the proxy form which is available at the Company headquarters and our company’s website addressed and notarizing their signature in line with provisions of the Capital Markets Board Communiqué numbered II-30.1. Shareholders may also represent themselves through submitting signed proxy form with notarized signature circular of the shareholders.
For attending physical General Assembly Meeting;
Real person shareholders should submit their ID card,
Legal person shareholders should submit their representatives’ ID card and authorization documents,
Real and legal person’s representatives should submit their ID card and representation documents,
Representatives authorized through the Electronic General Assembly System should submit ID card and should sign the Present List.
Our shareholders, who attend the meeting electronically through the Electronics General Assembly System, can get information about procedures and principles of participation, authorization of representatives, making proposals, explanations and voting from the Central Registry Agency web site
Our shareholders and their representatives, who attend the meeting electronically are required to fulfill their obligations in accordance with the provisions of “Regulation Regarding the Electronic General Assembly of the Joint Stock Company” published on the Official Gazette dated 28 August 2012 and numbered 28395 and “Communiqué Regarding the Electronic General Assembly System to be Applied in the General Assembly Meeting of the Joint Stock Company” published on the Official Gazette dated 29 August 2012 and numbered 28396.
The Financial Statements, The Board of Directors’ and Independent Audit Reports, Profit Distribution Proposal of the Board of Directors and Information Document Regarding General Assembly Meeting for the year 2014 are made available for the shareholders examination at the Electronic General Assembly System section of the Central Registry Agency web site, at the Investors Relation section of the company web site addressed, at the
Company address of the Shareholders Relation Service of our Company at least 3 weeks before the meeting.
Our Shareholders are requested with respect to honor the meeting on mentioned day and time.
Agenda for the 2014 Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held on 20 March 2015, at 15:30
Opening and formation of the Meeting Council,
Reading and discussion of the 2014 Annual Report of the Board of Directors,
Reading the 2014 Auditor’s Reports,
Giving information to the General Assembly regarding the donations and grants made by the Company in 2014,
Reading, discussion and approval of the 2014 financial statements,
Release of the members of the Board of Directors with regard to the 2014 activities,
Determination the usage of the 2014 profit and rate of dividend to be distributed,
Approval of the Donation and Grants Policy and determination of an upper limit for donations to be made in 2015,
Election of the members of the Board of Directors, determination of their duty term,
Determination of monthly gross fees to be paid to the members of the Board of Directors,
Election of the Auditor,
Granting permission to the Chairman and members of the board of directors for the activities under the articles 395 and 396 of the Turkish Commercial Code.
2014 General Assembly:
Please note, General Assembly documents disclosed to the public in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Capital Markets Board are in Turkish
Invitation to the General Assembly,
Meeting Agenda,
Additional explanations within the context of CMB regulations,
Proxy Form
Profit distribution table for 2014
Donation and Aid Policy
The CVs and the declarations of independence of the candidates for independent board members can be downloaded from here.
2014 Annual General Assembly Meeting Records
2014 Annual General Assembly Participants List
FY14 Statement of Profit Appropriation can be downloaded here.