In 2023, our Sustainability Committee was established to set the sustainability strategy in the environmental, social and governance areas and to create, execute, monitor, audit, review and develop related policies, targets and implementation plans, and to assist the Board of Directors when necessary.
Our Sustainability Working Groups design the programs and projects for the implementation of our Company’s initiatives in the ESG areas and carry out their activities in an agile manner. We have 3 working groups: fighting against the climate crisis, sustainable strategic business models and creating social value.
Management of sustainability issues is carried out by the “Sustainability and Occupational Safety Department”, which directly reports to the Assistant General Manager of Human Resources and Sustainability and reports necessary situations to the General Manager, Executive Board or Sustainability Committee. This department is responsible for setting sustainability targets and monitoring progress, developing strategies, carrying out awareness raising activities, establishing relevant collaborations, following climate-related trends, ensuring compliance with the applicable legislation, identifying risks and opportunities, and taking the necessary actions.
The “Sustainability Leadership Committee”, under the coordination of Sabancı Holding Sustainability Directorate, monitors the progress regarding the goals and actions included in the sustainability road map of the group, and manages the risks which could negatively affect the Holding’s reputation and activities in the sustainability areas.
The Committee monitors international developments and legal regulations in the field of sustainability and, when necessary, advises to the “Thematic Task Forces” that support the focus areas of the sustainability road map. Thematic Task Forces hold meetings under the titles of Climate Emergency, Sustainable Business Models, People and Society at regular intervals throughout the year and share information about the developments on the agenda and the current progress towards the targets set.
You can access the Sustainability Procedure of Teknosa
You can access the Sustainability Committee Procedure of Teknosa