Human Rights Policy


This Human Rights Policy (Policy) has been prepared to emphasize Teknosa's commitment to human rights and its employees and to serve as a guide reflecting its approach to human rights. 
The policy encompasses all Teknosa employees, suppliers, business partners, and all third parties engaged in collaborative business endeavors. 


Per the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, relevant local legislation, and internal company regulations, our commitments regarding Human Rights at Teknosa are as follows:
  • Not discriminating among our employees based on language, race, color, gender, political views, religion, age, marital status, pregnancy, physical disabilities, or any group identity, and providing a fair working environment;
  • Implementing incentivizing practices to facilitate the participation of women, youth, and individuals with disabilities in the workforce and ensuring equal opportunities;
  • Prioritizing occupational health and safety in all our activities;
  • Ensuring fair remuneration for our employees through the principles of "equal pay for equal work" and "performance-based compensation”;
  • Preventing child labor and prohibiting forced labor;
  • Providing our employees with a work environment free of mistreatment, violence, and harassment;
  • Protecting the personal information of our employees and customers;
  • Providing opportunities and resources that support our employees' talents, potential, and personal development.
Furthermore, we expect our suppliers and business partners to act in accordance with this Policy. To this end, we commit to actively informing and incorporating clauses in our agreements with them to ensure compliance with the Policy.
Employees and all other stakeholders can report any suspicions of Policy violations to the Teknosa Ethics Violation Hotline at +90 216 468 36 02 or by sending an email to [email protected]. The subsequent process will be conducted within the scope of the Teknosa Code of Business Ethics.