We position our sustainability strategy in 4 main focus areas, i.e. “Aware of the Value of Our Employees”, “Aware of the Value of the Society”, “Aware of the Value of the World” and “Aware of the Value of the Future”, in parallel with our material topics, capital elements and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Our strategy is “to retain existing business” with our proprietary brands, product portfolio and versatile customer experience, “to grow the business and transform it with new businesses” with our services and after-sales services, refurbished products, renewable energy investments and collaborations, and “to carry out the work in a value-oriented manner” with ESG activities and improved portfolio of sustainable products and service portfolio.
In 2021, we finalized our material topics by taking into account our way of doing business and the common priorities of our internal and external stakeholders after shortening the already existing long list of 23 material topics that had been created by analyzing the requirements of our operations and examining the reports of our stakeholders and competitors in the industry.
In accordance with international standards, we created our materiality matrix by assigning ratings to material topics after evaluating the feedback provided by 48.4% of the 963 stakeholders reached and the importance of stakeholder groups for Teknosa. We finalized our matrix by reviewing and adjusting it according to the suggestions of our senior management.